
совершенно, полностью, просто

You are absolutely right (wrong). — Вы совершенно правы (не правы).

He absolutely refused to come. — Он наотрез отказался придти.

Are you sure? - Absolutely! — Вы уверены? - Безусловно!

(1.) Absolutely - модально-усилительный модификатор высокой степени описываемого качества и часто выражает эмоциональное, оценочное отношение говорящего к высказыванию: I think it is absolutely wonderful я думаю, это совершенно замечательно. К этой группе усилительных модификаторов относятся такие наречия, как completely, perfectly, totally, really, quite, simply и др.: a totally(absolutely) new situation совершенно новая обстановка; to be absolutely (totally, simply) unaware of what is going on совершенно (просто, абсолютно) не осознавать, что происходит вокруг; it is completely impossible это совершенно невозможно. Absolutely наиболее часто употребляется с прилагательными awful, certain, excellent, essential, impossible, perfect, splendid, wonderful. Absolutely усиливает значение как прилагательных, так и глаголов, в последнем случае оно, как правило, стоит перед основным глаголом: I absolutely agree with you я с вами полностью согласен. (2.) Усилительные модификаторы по степени усиления здесь и в нижеприведенных примерах расположены по нарастснию степени усиления - pretty, rather, quite, fairly, very, remarkably, surprisingly, amazingly, terribly, extremely, awfully, utterly, totally, entirely, absolutely, completely: the play is fairly (quite, rather, pretty) boring пьеса довольно скучна; the park is very beautiful парк очень красив/ более чем просто красив; the progress is surprisingly (remarkably, amazingly) rapid наблюдается неожиданно быстрый прогресс; I am awfully (extremely, terribly) tired я чрезвычайно устал; your version is completely(absolutely, entirely, totally, utterly) wrong ваш вариант совершенно неправилен/абсолютно неправилен

Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "absolutely" в других словарях:

  • absolutely — This word has a string of important meanings in the broad area ‘in an absolute position, manner, or degree’, and can be applied to many domains of physical and conceptual activity including language and politics. It has also come to be used as a… …   Modern English usage

  • Absolutely — may refer to: * Absolutely (1980), album by Madness * Absolutely (1990), album by Rik Emmett * Absolutely (2006), album by Sister Hazel * Absolutely , British television comedy …   Wikipedia

  • Absolutely — Álbum de Madness Publicación Septiembre de 1980 Grabación 1980 Género(s) Ska, pop Duración 3 …   Wikipedia Español

  • absolutely — [adv1] certainly, without question actually, categorically, come hell or high water*, conclusively, decidedly, decisively, definitely, doubtless, easily, exactly, for sure*, no ifs ands or buts*, no strings attached*, on the button*, on the… …   New thesaurus

  • Absolutely — Ab so*lute*ly, adv. In an absolute, independent, or unconditional manner; wholly; positively. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • absolutely — index de facto, fairly (clearly), faithfully, in toto, ipso facto, purely (positively) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Bu …   Law dictionary

  • absolutely — (adv.) late 14c., unconditionally, completely, from ABSOLUTE (Cf. absolute) (adj.) + LY (Cf. ly) (2). From mid 15c. as without reference to anything else, not relatively; meaning to the utmost degree emerged by mid 16c. As a colloquial emphatic… …   Etymology dictionary

  • absolutely — ► ADVERB 1) with no qualification, restriction, or limitation. 2) used for emphasis or to express agreement. 3) not viewed in relation to other things or factors …   English terms dictionary

  • absolutely — [ab′sə lo͞ot΄lē, ab΄sə lo͞ot′lē] adv. completely or unconditionally interj. yes: used for emphasis …   English World dictionary

  • absolutely — adverb 1 especially spoken completely and in every way: He s an absolutely brilliant singer. | You can trust her absolutely! | You look absolutely fantastic in that dress. | absolutely no/nothing (=none or nothing at all): He has absolutely no… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • absolutely — ab|so|lute|ly W3S1 [ˈæbsəlu:tli, ˌæbsəˈlu:tli] adv 1.) completely and in every way ▪ He made his reasons for resigning absolutely clear. ▪ Are you absolutely sure? ▪ This cake is absolutely delicious. 2.) used to emphasize something ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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